English II. Developing elementary conversations

General purpose of the curse

Linguistic competencies are fundamental for the empowerment of tThe English language course for Escuelas Normales is designed to develop students’ ability to communicate effectively in English in contexts that will be important for them. As future teachers in a society where English is increasingly important for engaging successfully with professional and social activities, it is essential that all students develop a good level of proficiency in English. English is growing in importance for accessing information, making useful contacts, understanding other cultures and participating in cultural activities. As UNESCO has said: he individual in democratic and plural societies, as they condition school achievement, promote access to other cultures and encourage openness to cultural exchange (UNESCO 2007:13). English is particularly important for students because of its role in multinational communicative settings (Hyland 2011).

Learning unit 1. Past time, directions and plans


Objetive: exchange inormation about pastimes, ask and give directions to get to places and make plans to do things together. 


Encuestas aplicadas
Visiones sobre el aprendizaje del inglés como segunda lengua en México
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Learning unit II. Food and dishes, handicrafts and healt iusses

Objetive: Describe food and dishe in your own and others cultures. Share information about handicrafts of diferent cultures and talk about your healt.

Learning Unit III. School activities, performance evaluation and work expectations

Objetive: Record school activities in a daily planner, describe how well you and others can do things and describe personal work expectations. 


Movie presentation
Describe the characters to the film
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